What Is a Sales Leadership Consultant, Why Are They Needed (and Why Should You Be One)?

Business meeting with sales leadership consultant
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Simply put, a sales leadership consultant is an expert who is experienced in selling and sales management. An expert who can help an organization build and/or improve its sales strategies, sales processes, sales tools, and sales systems. An expert who specializes in driving revenue growth by improving sales.

What does this mean in day-to-day action? The sales leadership consultant must be an innovator, strategist, and a tactician; an analyst, manager, coach, and leader, too. To succeed, a sales leadership consultant must be intuitive, confident, and persuasive – and maintain a big-picture perspective while implementing smaller initiatives that align with larger goals. A sales leadership consultant must be a good communicator, too. And a proven sales leader who can advocate for the client and make difficult recommendations and decisions.

Why are Sales Leadership Consultants So Important to Smaller Businesses?

Small to mid-sized businesses typically have smaller staffs. This can limit their ability to invest in sales executives with the kind of broad-based experience, expertise and actionable wisdom necessary to significantly “move the needle” for substantial sales gains. By bringing in a dedicated sales leadership consultant, however, usually for a limited time and on a “fractional” time basis (for example, one or two days a week for several months), the smaller business can benefit from corporate-level guidance without the burden of a corporate-level salary. In other words, the business can utilize top sales leadership consulting talent without the full-time top-talent cost.

Why Should an Experienced Sales Leader Consider Sales Leadership Consulting?

Many accomplished corporate sales leaders, after decades of climbing the corporate ladder, eventually reach the top rung and yet still yearn for more. Tired of the corporate grind – especially all the travel and time away from home – they seek to work with purpose, to utilize their talents and passions, to make a difference where they are needed most.

Consider how Vance, the Sales Management Consultant character in Mark Thacker’s book, Hope Realized: Finding the Path to Sales Success, described the benefits of becoming a sales leadership consultant after a long career of corporate success:

“Not only do I now have more control and a greatly improved work/life balance; and not only do I feel important and valued again – I feel like I’m making a real difference these days, because now I also have the opportunity to help these business owners and leaders take back portions of their own lives… You might say I’m a pathfinder, helping [owners of small to mid-sized businesses] identify, illuminate and navigate pathways to new levels of success.”

He continued, by saying:

“…I went from dreading what the next business day had for me to waking up excited by the opportunity to help make other people successful and happy. I guess I lead a pretty fulfilling life these days.”

It’s the kind of testimonial that is commonly shared by sales leadership consultants enjoying their post-corporate professional lives.

The Bottom Line:

Sales leadership consultants bring fresh big-picture corporate perspectives that can empower a smaller organization to drive toward formerly unattainable revenue goals. Because of this, small to mid-sized businesses crave their services to outperform the competition and gain market share. For professional sales leaders, becoming a sales leadership consultant empowers them to utilize their strengths, work with passion and purpose, and make a bigger impact than ever before.

To learn more about becoming a sales leadership consultant and serving the critical sales leadership needs of the small to mid-size business market, click here or simply contact us at 844.874.7253.