It’s been said many times that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. But what if you could do both? At the same time? With the same act? That would be a win-win situation, wouldn’t it? A double blessing!
And what if your act of giving (and receiving) can truly make a difference for others in need? I’m not talking about charity here, nor am I talking about physical gift-giving. What I am talking about is using your professional skills, talents, and hard-earned expertise to serve others and reward yourself.
Sound simple? (It is.) Sound too good to be true? (It’s not.)
Here’s what I’m talking about:
Your Gifts Aligning with Their Needs
As a deeply experienced and accomplished sales leader, you’ve acquired many gifts over the years. Your knowledge and wisdom are a gift. Your many accomplishments are a gift. Your career-long experience and individual experiences are gifts. Your many wins – and even your losses – are gifts.
And so is your ability to analyze opportunities and turn them into professional partnerships and long-term success. In fact, you can use that talent for analysis now to take stock of your professional sales leadership gifts, including what you know, who you know, what you’ve done, and what you are still uniquely equipped to do. Don’t be modest. Make a list. Even if you’ve never thought much about moving on from your current sales leadership position or transitioning to your next professional chapter, taking stock can remind you just how valuable you are. (And that’s a gift to yourself right there, isn’t it?)
Next, step outside of yourself and take a look around. Look for business professionals who have needs for the very things you are great at. Go ahead, it’s okay to look beyond your current corporate sales leadership position. After all, perhaps you are feeling a little underappreciated right now, a bit undervalued, more than a little disrespected or taken for granted. If so, expand your perspective. Ask yourself this: Are there business owners of small to mid-sized companies who might need your talents, your experience, your wisdom? Your sales leadership?
Actually, I can answer that for you: Yes. There are, indeed, business owners of small to mid-sized companies who covet your unique mix of talents, experience, and sales leadership wisdom. In other words, they need what you have to offer. In fact, their needs align with your gifts perfectly – if you know where to look.
That Double Blessing in Action
Serving others not only benefits them; it benefits you, as well. By leveraging your many years of experience and your vast knowledge of what works (and what doesn’t) to boost sales and company revenue, you can clearly make a difference to the survival and success of smaller businesses. So far, so good, right?
And when you do this as an independent consultant, you get paid for your service. Also good! Better yet, you get paid to help others while doing something you are passionate about!
But wait… It gets even better.
You see, what our sales leadership consulting Advisors have learned over the years serving thousands of smaller businesses is that, while the financial rewards can be surprisingly lucrative, there’s another type of reward that’s also immensely satisfying: knowing you are making a difference. Making a difference not just to a bottom line on a spreadsheet, but a difference to the everyday lives of the company’s employees. You’re putting food on tables, clothes on backs, braces on teeth. You’re putting hope in hearts. You’re restoring their faith in tomorrow.
And it’s all because you’re using your gifts – as a sales leadership consultant – to serve the needs of small to mid-sized businesses who are struggling.
Yes, perhaps it’s more blessed to give than to receive, but maybe it’s best of all if you can do both, at the same time, with the same act. The act of making a difference just like our licensed sales leadership consultants, serving as Outsourced VPs of Sales, do every day, all across North America and expanding around the globe.
To learn how you can turn your sales leadership experience into a rewarding future as a fractional sales leadership consultant, click here or contact us at 844.874.7253.