Sales Xceleration Advisor Michael Wills delivers strategic and tactical advice to members of Fort Lauderdale’s Tower Club and their guests
On August 31st, Sales Xceleration Advisor Michael Wills presented an educational seminar to members of Fort Lauderdale’s Tower Club and their guests. Michael’s presentation, entitled “Great Sales Organizations Are Built,” was very well received by business owners in attendance.
Michael’s expertise lies in building great sales organizations based upon a solid foundation. Michael highlighted the key elements essential to developing sales strategies and implementing proven processes – to be used by all businesses, small or large. Michael addressed the Top-5 shortcomings consistent with smaller businesses that when addressed will create a consistent and sustainable revenue growth for years to come.
Following the presentation, Mark Budwig, Tower Club Member and owner of S.Mark Graphics stated, “Your content was organized, delivered well, and informative. Having recently acquired a new business, I’ll be putting some of your ‘Top Five Pointers’ into my new sales plan! Your topic was right on target for our small business members.”
Click here to learn more about Michael and how he can help your business grow in today’s competitive market, or reach out to him at 678-549-8834.