Sales Xceleration® Receives Honorable Mention on Selling Power’s Top Sales Training Companies List for CSL Training

  • Sales Xceleration Team
Sales Xceleration® Receives Honorable Mention on Selling Power’s Top Sales Training Companies List for CSL Training
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INDIANAPOLIS, IN — May 19, 2022 – Sales Xceleration is pleased to announce it has been included as an Honorable Mention company on Selling Power’s Top 25 Sales Training Companies 2022 list for Certified Sales Leadership Training.

“Sales training companies had to adjust in the last year,” says Gerhard Gschwandtner, Publisher and Founder, Selling Power. “Each of the sales training companies included on this list was able to pivot quickly to deliver best-in-class, engaging sales training both virtually, and in person. Their efforts and expertise helped their clients reach and exceed sales goals and decrease onboarding time in a highly challenging economy.”

“We are honored to be recognized for our CSL Training, which focuses on expanding the skillset of a Sales Manager through coaching, techniques, and tools to empower the training participant to successfully lead a sales team. There is a training gap for sales leadership skills, so we developed our program to fill that need. The training is delivered by Sales Leaders with over 25 years of proven sales experience and are CSL trainer certified,” said Maura Kautsky, President, Sales Xceleration, LLC.

All companies on the list submitted a comprehensive application that included a detailed listing of their offerings for both training and retention, innovative solutions, their company’s unique contributions to the sales training marketplace, and their ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

To evaluate applicants for the list, the Selling Power team surveyed and considered feedback from over 340 clients of the applicants.

The main criteria used when comparing applicants and selecting the companies to include on this year’s list were:

  1. Depth and breadth of training offered
  2. Innovative offerings (specific training courses, methodology, or delivery methods)
  3. Contributions to the sales training market
  4. Strength of client satisfaction and overall client feedback

Selling Power magazine editors say CROs, sales VPs, and sales enablement leaders can leverage this list to find the right sales training partner to help salespeople succeed. See the Selling Power Top Sales Training Companies 2022 list at

About Sales Xceleration

Sales Xceleration provides business owners with an experienced Sales Consultant to drive revenue when it is needed most. Sales Xceleration Advisors build sales engines to generate record-breaking growth for your business by:

  • Creating a sales plan
  • Finding your best customers
  • Growing your bottom line

Sales Xceleration developed Certified Sales Leader (CSL) training to give Sales Managers the skills to lead a sales organization. Training consists of 16 lessons, which offer comprehensive overviews, exercises, and tools to ensure Sales Managers develop the skills to implement proven practices for your company. The curriculum is delivered one-on-one or in a classroom setting with one of our training facilitators.

Our Advisors are here to help and provide free sales consultations.  Navigate your path to greater sales generation now, by visiting our online map to find an Outsourced VP of Sales© Advisor in your community. For additional information, please visit

About Selling Power

In addition to Selling Power, the leading digital magazine for sales managers and sales VPs since 1981, Personal Selling Power, Inc., produces the Sales Management Digest and Daily Boost of Positivity online newsletters (, as well as videos featuring interviews with top executives. Selling Power is a regular media sponsor of the Sales 3.0 Conference, which is attended by more than 4,500 sales leaders each year.

PR inquiries:   Brandi Johnson, email:  [email protected] or call 844-874-7253, ext. 704.