Kathy Yenke Presents “How to Make a Great Sales Organization” at CEO Growth Workshop

  • Sales Xceleration Team
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Sales Xceleration Advisor Kathy Yenke recently partnered with Lisa Manning of EOS and Vistage Chair Craig James, to sponsor a CEO and Business Owner breakfast workshop and networking event at Insperity’s Waltham, MA office. The April 25th event was presented in an interactive format and provided attendees with practical approaches to address sales, management and leadership challenges faced by small and mid-size companies in today’s competitive market.

Key takeaways were:

  • How successful leaders hire the right salespeople and stop the revolving door.
  • A proven methodology for making better decisions, with greater confidence.
  • How to know that you have the right people and aren’t settling for mediocrity.
  • How to get to the next level of sales growth when sales have been flat for years.
  • How to stop letting your business run you, and get back to you running your business.
  • How collaborating with other business leaders helps you grow and develop as a leader.

Kathy is the Founder of Sales Catalyst Solutions, and is our Sales Xceleration Advisor in the Boston, MA area. In her 25+ years prior to the formation of Sales Catalyst Solutions, Kathy built a solid career in executive sales leadership in diverse high technology markets.

To learn more about Kathy and how she can help your business succeed, click here. Curious about how your company’s sales infrastructure measures up? Take Kathy’s free, 10 question, Sales Agility Assessment.