Advisor Michael Wills Addresses Business Growth Challenges at CEO Luncheon

  • Sales Xceleration Team
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Michael Wills, our Sales Xceleration Advisor in South Florida, joined with Trusted Advisors (Pete Caltabiano/CFO Center, Dennis Custage/Liquid Capital and Rick Abedon/Supporting Strategies) to host a G4 CEO-only lunch in Fort Lauderdale focused on overcoming the challenges associated with growth.

The professionally moderated event offered a peer-forum for 12 CEOs to discuss common challenges to driving revenue, funding growth, creating business strategy, and developing the financial controls suitable to mid-level businesses.

The event was a great success and the forum will be held again in 2017.

If you’re a South Florida based CEO and would like to learn more, or attend a future CEO lunch, please contact Michael Wills at [email protected].