Are You a Humble Sales Leader?

  • Sales Xceleration Team
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In today’s business landscape, it is far too common to have bosses who yell, threaten and micromanage their way to the top … at the expense of their employees. Anyone who has ever worked for someone who has exhibited these characteristics will tell you that it is not an effective management style. These types of leaders lose a lot of trust and potentially, their workforce.


The best sales leaders, however, are humble bosses who empower their employees, are open to feedback and inspire their team to perform high quality work. They are also aware of their own weaknesses, how those weakness fit with others’ strengths, and they want to improve. These traits make them focused on “big picture” goals that go far beyond their own corner office.


Current research suggests that placing a spotlight on humble people might yield better business results than putting the boasters on a pedestal.


So, would you consider yourself a humble sales leader?


The H Factor


Quick, answer this question: which of your colleagues are humble? You will be surprised to find out that the answer you gave is likely wrong. Why? Because humble people don’t flaunt that trait. And many people, including pretentious ones, try too hard to be seen as humble and even helpful just to make a good impression on others.

A stable personality trait known as the H Factor has been identified as a consistent personality trait for humble sales leaders. It is actually a group of attributes appearing in some individuals that includes modesty, sincerity, fairness, truthfulness and graciousness. These individuals also avoid bending the rules, manipulating others or behaving in greedy ways.


How to Be A Humble Sales Leader


Being humble doesn’t mean being gullible. There are several ways you can exercise humility to be an effective sales leader:


  • Be open to others’ opinions. Humble leaders seek input from others and make decisions that are in the best interest of their team. Employees want to work for someone who values their opinions and advice rather than dismisses them.
  • Tend to others’ needs. When team members believe their boss is looking out for the team’s best interest, team performance will increase. This ensures your team has everything they need to do a good job.
  • Admit mistakes. Humans make mistakes. Sharing your own missteps and how you recovered from them will help you earn the trust of your team, and your
  • Accept ambiguity. Some sales leaders want to control everything. You have to learn when to take charge and when to let go of the reins.
  • Let your team do their job. Nothing kills morale more than micromanaging. Humble leaders allow others’ strengths to work for the good of the group without interference.


Being a humble sales leader is striking a balance between leading effectively but steering clear of the limelight. While this may seem contrary to what we see in the media, humility is a core value that boosts performance from both leaders and their teams. Don’t be surprised if humility is a trait added to HR personality tests and is screened for in the future. Get ahead of the curve and strut your H factor!