Throughout your business career, you’ve learned that nearly every action you take or decision you make can carry risks as well as rewards. Often, especially in routine situations, you probably give these risks and rewards little thought. After all, experience has taught you to take the path of best practices and past successes. You do what worked before because, well, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” right? But what happens when you realize the old ways of doing things aren’t working as well anymore? What happens when the well-worn path of experience gets muddy and bogs you down? What happens when you’re stuck in a rut and have to make a change – a significant life and career change? Suddenly, risks and rewards need to be brought back into focus.
Such is often the case for experienced sales leaders when what worked before clearly won’t work for them moving forward. They reach the proverbial fork in the road and have a decision to make: “Where do I go from here?” It is at this point when many sales executives seek new challenges and opportunities. They scan the career landscape and see, perhaps for the first time, something new and intriguing on the horizon: fractional sales leadership consulting. They take a few steps closer, hoping to bring this possibility into focus. For many, it’s scary at first. But then curiosity begins to take root and that curiosity leads to an examination of risks and rewards.
Perceived Risks of becoming a Fractional VP of Sales:
For even the most confident sales leader, it’s normal to have doubts when it comes to a career shift. Perceived risks often manifest as common fears:
Fear #1: The fear of failure.
(“I don’t know if I can successfully run my own business after years of working for others.”)
The reality is that you’ve practically been running your own business for many years. You’ve had responsibility for running projects; you’ve dealt with associates, clients, and third parties; and you’ve had the authority to make critical decisions, often impacting jobs and millions of dollars. Above all, you’ve been the go-to resource for innovative ideas and excellent execution. That’s what small business owners do. Chances are, you have entrepreneurial skills and are up to the task!
Fear #2: The fear of not being able to find customers.
(“I don’t even know where to begin finding potential clients.”)
Seriously? As a sales leader, you’ve always had to operate from the mindset of knowing your customers, knowing what they want and need, and knowing how to engage with them. If you’ve been in the B2B world, you’ve got an extra leg up because, as a fractional outsourced VP of Sales, you’ll still be engaging that client base. But the best news is that if you are aligned with a powerhouse platform like Sales Xceleration, customers in your area can seek YOU out!
Fear #3: The fear of not knowing how to create and deliver the resources and services needed by an SMB CEO.
(“It’ll take me years to document and create everything I need to be in business for myself, let alone to market and deliver my services.”)
This is a healthy fear based on a solid understanding of how much effort it takes – in terms of tools, resources, proven systems, and executable sales leadership best practices – to succeed as an executive sales consultant. The good news is that the heavy lifting has already been done, as our licensed Sales Xceleration Advisors have discovered. Your professional expertise and insights simply add to the power of the Sales Xceleration platform.
Fear #4: The fear of being on an island as the CEO of a company of one.
(“I’ve always thrived in the company of other business professionals; I’m not sure I could manage being a ‘lone wolf’.”)
All business owners need support (which is why SMB owners and execs covet the keen insights and external perspective of sales leadership consultants). At Sales Xceleration, our licensed Advisors are part of an ever-expanding network of consulting sales executives who own their own businesses while using the Sales Xceleration platform. In other words, we’ve got your back and your peers are ready to help!
What About the Potential Rewards of Becoming a Fractional VP of Sales?
We talk about these rewards often in our blog posts focused on becoming a consultant. Here are some of the most frequently cited benefits our licensed Advisors enjoy as rewards of being a fractional VP of Sales:
- Better work/life balance: You can spend more time at home with family and friends, serving businesses in your community.
- Less travel: You can travel when and if you want to instead of being on a plane weekly and spending night after night in hotel rooms.
- Control of your present: You can dictate your calendar and schedule instead of them being dictated for you.
- Control of your future: By being your own boss, you can control your time and your destiny, instead of “aging out” of the corporate world.
- Being respected: You can serve business owners and leaders who truly need and value your experience, your wisdom, and the solutions you provide.
- Making a difference: You can feel the ultimate reward of knowing you’ve made a life-changing difference for struggling companies and families who depend on those employers.
The Bottom Line:
Whenever you reach that fork in the road and seek new challenges and opportunities, it’s wise to take a closer look at the risks and rewards of sales leadership consulting. When you do, we’re confident you’ll like what you see.
To learn more about becoming a fractional VP of Sales serving small to mid-sized businesses in your area with Sales Xceleration, click here or contact us at 844.874.7253. We’ve been named as one of Inc. Magazine’s 5,000 Fastest Growing Companies in America four years in a row; and opportunities are available in all markets.