No Time Like the Present to Give Yourself the Present of Time

Businessman Taking Time to Relax
Reading Time: 3 minutes

After a long career in sales leadership, you’ve undoubtedly used many personal and professional “gifts.” These might have included innate talents such as being a great conversationalist or an accomplished leader, for example. But your gifts could also include the knowledge and skills and expertise you’ve acquired over the years. You’ve given of your gifts to others – family, friends, employers, clients – and maybe you’ve even earned recognition and honors in the process. But the one gift many sales leadership professionals forget to give to others and to themselves is the gift of time. Is that true of you? Have you been so busy giving OF yourself that you’ve neglected to give back TO yourself? Well, the good news is that there’s no time like the present to give yourself the present of time. The better news is that it’s not a selfish act, because you’ll still be helping others. Here’s what I mean:

Isn’t it Time to Take Control of Your Future?

Shakespeare wrote, “What’s past is prologue.” Today, this line often takes on positive and hopeful interpretations such as this one: your past can be a springboard to your future. Indeed, your past, brimming with many lessons learned, as well as success after success, has prepared you for your best days yet. It may have taken many years to acquire the skills and wisdom you now have, but now could very well be the time to put them into action.

Another familiar Shakespeare quote offers further encouragement:

“There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.”

Now that you’ve reached a point in your life where experience and learning and success are your prologue, isn’t it possible that now is also the time of that fortunate high tide?

Isn’t it Time to Focus on Family and Friends?

Certainly, you count family and friends among your many blessings. Hopefully, you consider them a big part of the fortune you already have. In the past, you’ve probably had to sacrifice moments with your friends and family. Work demanded long hours at the office or days away on business travel. If you’re lucky, you didn’t have to miss too many important family moments. But after all these years, is the time away still worth your sacrifice? Is it still worth their sacrifice?

Isn’t it Time to Make a Different Kind of Difference?

Surely, among your many accomplishments, you feel as if you’ve made a difference throughout your years as a sales leadership professional. You can be rightly proud of many corporate successes, but also proud of providing for your family and serving your community. But is there a different kind of success in your future? Can you move beyond success to significance? Can you find motivation and excitement in making a different kind of difference serving a new type of client?

Yes, Yes, and Yes!

Yes, you can take control of your future. Yes, you can focus on family and friends. Yes, you can work with renewed purpose and passion to make a different kind of difference! And best of all, you don’t have to start over. You can use your past as prologue to a fulfilling future as a sales leadership consultant. You’ve put in the time and honed your gifts. Now you can use them to serve small to mid-sized businesses who are desperate for sales leadership from an Outsourced VP of Sales working on a fractional time basis. The need is great. Your gifts are great. There’s truly no time like the present to give yourself (and others) the present of your time.

To learn more about the sales leadership consulting opportunity from Sales Xceleration, simply click here or contact us today at 844.874.7253.